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电话: 025-85380132
姓名: sundiwpc
Nanjing Xuhua Sundi New Building Materials Co.,Ltd

  Sundi WPC: Dedicating to be the most professional WPC manufacturer in China. Sundi has the best and biggest WPC R&D team in China, nowadays, one doctor, three postgraduates and five bachelors hold posts in R&D team, Sundi has the long corporation with Chinese Academy of Forestry, Nanjing Normal University, South China Agricultural University in WPC performance and application R&D. 2009, Sundi set up Baohua factory and start to produce the common WPC profiles, and began to technical innovation.

主要产品/业务: wpc decking

Nanjing Xuhua Sundi New Building Materials Co.,Ltd / 江苏 / Room 403, No.3 building of Zijin Zhigu, No.26 Tianma Road, Qixia () / 电话:025-85380132

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